Just so we’re on the same page - we’re not about to talk to you about how to market your podcast. This is about how your business needs a podcast and how podcast marketing needs to be a part of your content marketing strategy.

If you have a business, then you already know that the quality of your marketing is just as important as the quality of your product. Sometimes, it seems like your business needs to become a media company, as well. Just maintaining your social media channels takes a lot of effort.
But, you know your stuff! You've already made one social media account after another and conquered all relevant social media platforms. However, there’s always something new. This time - it’s podcast marketing.
Podcasting is a marketing tool that could really make a difference for your brand, and here's how and why it works exactly.
Why Should You Consider Podcast Marketing Strategies?
The podcast audience is a huge and constantly growing audience that is still largely untapped when it comes to content marketing.
While there are some brands - mostly big ones - that are absolutely killing it with their branded podcast marketing tactics, most companies still haven't realised the full potential of podcast promotion.
If you choose your niche carefully so that it aligns with your brand and offer compelling podcast content, there is a good chance that a lot of your listeners will be from your target audience.
How Popular Are Podcasts Really?
Still thinking whether this digital marketing trend is worth your while? Well, think fast, because your competition may act faster.

Find your audience among podcast listeners, now is the perfect moment. Podcast listening has been steadily rising.
Last year, around 68% of the US population over the age of twelve listened to online audio content monthly. That is an estimated 193 million potential listeners in the US alone. Think about how many potential listeners that is on a global level. We don't know the exact number, but we think that a lot sums it up pretty well.
It's only a matter of time before every single marketing agency catches on. Already, more and more companies are allocating money from their budget to podcast ads and podcast marketing strategies.
How Can Your Brand Benefit from Podcast Marketing?
Ideally, you find out what your target audience likes to listen to, find topics that relate to your business and create podcast content that they’ll love. Sounds easy, right?
In theory, it’s not that hard. But, we all know that not all podcasts are a success. That’s why you need to put in some real effort into figuring out what your podcast will be about. However, this is the way for you to cultivate a whole base of potential customers among the podcast crowd.
Success with podcast marketing strategies rarely happens overnight, but if you continue producing and promoting new episodes of your podcast, you can steadily grow an audience.
A solid podcast marketing tactic is a great way to raise your brand awareness in an organic way and make your brand easier to discover.
Not only that, an established podcast also helps you build authority for your brand. If your audience trusts your podcast, they are more likely to trust your product as well.
How Difficult Is It to Produce a Podcast?
This largely depends on what kind of project you're doing. For instance, if you're having guest appearances or need to do a lot of research, that will take more time and effort than just unprepared banter.
However, being well prepared will for sure result in better quality and make you stand out among other podcasts. Podcast production normally consists of a few phases - research, preparation of a script or notes, recording, subtitling, editing, posting and promotion.
How Long Should a Podcast Episode Be?
The answer to this question really depends on your podcast content and format. The most common length for a podcast episode is around 30 minutes.
You probably know a successful podcast that's only ten minutes long, as well as an equally successful one for which each episode is an hour or longer. You shouldn't worry about the length of your podcast episode much. The important thing is what you offer your audience in that length. Your content should be interesting and valuable to your listeners. However, if you’re not entirely certain that you can fill your podcast with interesting stuff, cut it shorter.
Quality over quantity, eeeeeevery time!

Do You Need a Podcast Website?
While most people listen to podcasts on podcast apps and podcast directories such as Apple Podcasts or Google Podcasts, having your own podcast website is still an indispensable part of podcast marketing for several reasons.
First of all, it simplifies podcast hosting as you don't have to depend on podcast hosting providers. All of your podcast episodes can be in one place and you can organise them however you like.
Secondly, a website is your main tool when you want to promote a podcast. SEO for podcasts is becoming more and more of a thing, and blog posts, and other written formats like your podcast description are still the best way to catch Google's attention.
The last, and the most important golden rule of content marketing - always own the channels where your content lives. ALWAYS!
Algorithms change, rules change, platforms change - one of those changes can block your access to your content or suddenly shut it down. But, if your podcast lives on its own channel - it’s safe!
What Are Some Tricks to Attract Podcast Listeners?
Here are some general guidelines to make your podcast a success.
Be Patient
Producing a podcast means playing the long game. Don't expect to publish your first episode and immediately become one of the most popular shows on Apple Podcasts.
It takes time for new podcasts to establish themselves on listening platforms. Try to make at least a couple of new podcast episodes a month after your podcast launch.
Once you have a few episodes, you can work to promote your podcast. Many podcasts flop not because they're not good, but because they just don't have longevity.

Be Picky About Your Topics and Content
The most important thing is to create something that will attract new listeners. People are loyal to things that they like. The logic is simple - if they like your podcast and keep coming back to it, chances are pretty high they will be loyal to your brand too.
Try to think of an attention-catching podcast title, find a likeable podcast host, carefully prepare the show notes. If you are doing a show that's informative, try to use your own data if possible, so that you can offer unique insights that your audience can't get elsewhere.
Make Your Podcast Available on Multiple Platforms
There are many platforms and apps that people use to listen to podcasts. Make sure to submit your RSS feed to any podcast directory and podcast aggregator you can find. Your RSS feed is the thing that allows new episodes of your podcast to be automatically published on these platforms.
Create a Transcript for Your Podcast Episodes
A transcript is the starting point that can help you create a number of tools for podcast promotion.
When you use a caption tool like Subly, you can get your transcript in no time. From there, it's easy to upload the whole thing to your website for search engine optimization, write a blog post, or use your podcast audio to create a YouTube video with subtitles.
Add Subtitles to Your Podcasts
Here’s another shameless plug, but it’s really useful. Subly makes adding subtitles for podcasts very easy. Upload your file, and Subly will transcribe it automatically. Then use the editor to check them and you’re good to go.
With this, you’re reaching the audience that consumes their content on mute. OK, sure, this is not your target audience, but it’s not something to miss out on either.
Also, subtitles and captions are becoming a legal requirement, and you should definitely stay ahead of that curve.

Promote Your Podcast on Social Media
If the tree falls in the forest, and nobody’s there to do a TikTok on it, did it really fall?
Let's face it, the whole world lives on social media. A solid social media presence can make or break your podcast.
Don't limit yourself to just one social media platform - cover as many as you can. You can use snippets, blog posts, YouTube videos, a podcast trailer and whatever other social media posts you can come up with to make your podcast visible on social channels.
How Do You Know If Your Podcast Marketing Strategies Are Working?
It's actually pretty easy to measure the success of a podcast.
Of course, there are the obvious metrics, like numbers of downloads and subscribers or your podcast's ranking on directories.
However, you can also monitor the traffic on your website, or follow the number of conversions. Does your podcast get positive reviews and does it get talked about? How popular are your social media accounts?
All of these, when combined, can give you a pretty accurate picture of how successful your podcast is as a promotion tool.
Branded podcasts are an exciting, and relatively unsaturated field of marketing. With a solid concept, a little patience, and some useful tools like Subly, you can conquer it and watch your business reap the benefits.